Coverholder at Lloyd's
About us

CEU deals with providing insurance services. CEU is Lloyd’s coverholder in Poland. It means that CEU is an insurance broker, authorised and registered by Lloyd’s, entitled to evaluate the risk and to conclude insurance agreements on behalf of Lloyd’s member syndicates.

CEU specialises in real estate insurance and loss of profit insurances for the entities running the business. Lloyd’s insurance is featured by a very broad scope of cover, waive of unfavourable clauses and is characterised by the highest possible quality of services including indemnity proceedings in the case of claim occurrence.

Special insurances that combine the widest possible cover with high service quality make up added values offered by CEU to the clients. We cooperate with the institution providing the highest financial protection standards, stability and innovative solutions at the same time.

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Coverholder at Lloyd's
CEU SP. z o. o.
Lloyd’s Coverholder
tel. +48 22 305 89 90
Ul. Renesansowa 7A
02-905 Warszawa